Friday, December 28, 2007

Whaaaaaaz Uuuuuuppppppp??? might want to re-read this post, as I added up more pictures on the bottom, enjoy as much as I did:

Well, what have I been up to the last days, well actually the last weeks?

Time is “flying”, and so did I!

In summery: After the “India” specific train travel experience (I call it a “once in a lifetime experience”: Once done; you do not have the desire to do it again :-) ), it was almost relaxing to take the local buses in Nepal up to Pokhara, the 2nd largest city in after Katmandu.

After two days upon my arrival, I found myself “speed running” during the X-mass days over the 5.400m high Thorung La Pass while doing the half of the Anapurna Circuit Trek in 6 instead of 12 days. The common questions on the way: You have no Porter? You have no Guide? You are alone and why are you running?
And always the same answers: Yes. Yes. Yes, because I enjoy running :-)

It was fun; however, I came back totally exhausted to the partially laid back, and partially very touristy city of Pokhara, just for two days flying / paragliding over the lake. For New Year, I hiked up the 3.680m high mountain Korchon, close to Pokhara. Good experience to stay in the local villages and even better to have the 30min glide down back to Pokhara along the trek we walked up the last 2 days.

Since them, I am staying in Pokhara, flying every day. I enjoy it and what else could I do currently with an infected “string” in my leg from running to fast - well, walking slow like an old man in the city is the price to pay for trying to be a fast (old) man on the trek ;-)

How many people to fit in one Jeep, connecting Gorakpur to the Neapli border?

Well, 12 people inside, 3 outside, and while driving 2 of the 3 hanging outside joint us inside too, making up 14 inside! Not in a bus, in a Mahindra Jeep, similar to an LandRover 110 ! It was cozy warm and scary too while we almost crashed into a holy cow... the driver, assuming and proving that the Gods are with us this day, speeding up even more to make time good...

"Relaxing" in the 10 hour local bus ride to Pokhara.
It stopped almost every 500 meter to pick up local village people (and I am surprised how many people get sick, releasing their stomach content outside or, even worse, inside the bus.

Yeahhhh, arrival in the sunset in Pokhara, having the Anapurna range and Machhapuchhre in the backyard.

Cow and Horse powers are equivalent represented on the road.
If the cows would have a horn, I am sure they would use it as often as any Nepali or Indian driver.

Ok, lets start trekking on the Anapurna Circit Trek...

One of the dozens swing bridges to cross.

Up to date corn mill - works already since thousand of years

Entering the spiritual mountain world.

Manang \ Traffic rules: No horse riding in the village and X-mas on my way...

Crossing the bridge into higher dimensions...

This man is clearly totally exhausted and at this point he did not knew that he had to walk for another 6 hours :-)

The world looks better the day after 5.400 meter with sun in the sky

Mustang / Tibet?
Not far away, just behind the mountains.
700 US$ for the trekking permit... well, I used 60 US$ to fly out from Jomson back to Pokhara...

...and it was New Year party, even the elephants came by

Well, lets escape from the busy Pokhara city into the mountains, meeting up with the village locals, have good food and dance...

...before moving on and climb up Korchon to fly down, the mountain just in front of Machhapuchhre

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